
Total Body Training Program

Day 1:Chest & Biceps


Dumbbell Bench Press(Warm Up):2Repeat ×10Reps,Rest 1min

Dumbbell Bench Press:4Repeat ×8~12Reps,Rest 2min

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press:3Repeat ×8~12Reps,Rest 2min

Bench Press:3Repeat ×12~15Reps,Rest 2min

Bench Press with Static Hold:2Repeat ×1min,Rest 1min


Incline Dumbbell Biceps:4Repeat ×12~15Reps,Rest 1.5min

Dumbbell Biceps Curl:4Repeat ×8~10Reps,Rest 2min

Dumbbell Biceps with Static Hold:4Repet ×20Reps,hold 5s/5Reps, Rest 1.5min

Day2:Hip & Leg

Goblet Squat(Warm Up):2Repeat ×10Reps,Rest 1min

Goblet Squat:4Repeat ×8~12Reps,Rest 2min

Dumbbell Split Squat:3Repeat ×8~12Reps,Rest 1min

Dumbbell Hip Thrust with Bench:3Repeat ×15Reps ,Rest 2min

Dumbbell Deadlift:3Repeat ×12Reps,Rest 2min

Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise:3Repeat ×20Reps,Rest 2min

Day3:Shoulder & Tricpes


Dumbbell Shoulder Press(Warm Up):2Repeat ×8Reps,Rest 1min

Dumbbell Shoulder Press:4Repeat ×8~12Reps,Rest 2min

Dumbbell Shoulder Press:2Repeat ×15~20Reps,Rest 2min

Dumbbell Shoulder Fly(Warm Up):2Repeat ×6~8Reps,Rest 1min

Dumbbell Shoulder Fly:4+1Repeat ×8~12Reps,Rest 2min,

Dumbbell Shoulder Fly with Static Hold:2Repeat ×15s,Rest 1.5min

Decline Dumbbell Shoulder Fly:3+2Repeat ×12~15Reps,Rest 2min


Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension:4+1Repeat ×12~15Reps,Rest 2min

Alternating Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension:3+1Repeat ×12~15Reps,Rest 2min

Bench Press:3Repeat ×12~15Reps,Rest 2min

Day4:Back & Abdominal


Alternating Dumbbell Row(Warm Up):2Repeat ×8Reps,Rest 1min

Alternating Dumbbell Row:4Repeat ×8~12Reps,Rest 1min

Dumbbell Row:2Repeat ×15~20Reps,Rest 1.5min

Dumbbell YTW Raise:3Repeat ×21Reps,Rest 2min

Dumbbell Shoulder press:3Repeat ×15Reps


Crunch:3Repeat ×15~20Rep, Rest 1.5min

Reverse Crunch:3Repeat ×15~20Reps,Rest 1.5min

Side-to-Side Crunch:3Repeat ×20Reps,Rest 1.5min

Cross-body Mountain Climber:2Repeat ×30Seconds, Rest 1min